submitted 11/25/14
Randall Thomas

11/27/14  Bob Aylsworth  -  Palm City, Florida  -  SCOF Mascot and Friend

The father of SCOF member Craig Aylsworth, passed away from a series of illnesses at 5pm eastern time on Thanksgiving day. He was 96 years old one month earlier. He will be missed greatly, and remembered always.

Bob was born in West Branch, MI and before moving to Palm City in 1974 he was a veteran of the Army Air Corps and served during WWII. After that he  maintenance manager for Ford Motor plants in Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Brazil before retiring after 37 years with Ford. Bob was a member of the Masons and especially enjoyed making unique niche Cobra parts for his Superformance friends.

Bob's son Craig introduced the SCOF car club and members to him about 12 years ago where he shared many of the mid summer weeks with us exploring the scenic back roads of the Great American west. Bob fit right in and loved the cars, the scenery and new places we discovered together. "Father Bob" as he was soon known as, couldn't wait to get back in the little sports car even after 1500 miles of driving in less than a week. And the very next year he was right there again with his son ready to do it all over again. We will miss Bob on our summer cruise, but will know he's there with us. While his family knew him as "Dad"... we all thought of him as our "Dad" too. And we are proud of our Dad.

Bob seeking some shade in the 110 degree Colorado sun whilst his SCOF friends fix a broken rocker arm in the heart of the Colorado National Monument during a SuperCruz event

Bob and son Craig sitting in front of the Auto Museum in Murdo, South Dakota on yet another of the many Super Cruz events Bob attended

A poignant moment captured on film As Bob and son Craig walk along a lonely path together  in Montana on another SuperCruz event.

As Bob makes this epic journey that someday we too all must, his Superfriends are by his side in spirit, all the way home.

So long Bob, we will miss you pal!