Robert (Bob) Young passed away at home on Friday December 9, 2022 after a 18 year battle with Cancer. Bob was Born on 7/13/47, and was 75 years of age.
From his friend, Scott Holley: Bob Young was one of the good ones and throughout his life you would rarely see him without his beautiful wife, Barbara.
Some of his close friends called him "MacGyver". Bob was an avid skier for many years as well as a Pilot in his personal Piper. He was always into cars from a young age and most every car he owned was Red! His nickname came from his crude engineering ability to make most anything that always functioned but didn't win any beauty contests. Bob spent his early career working with Kodak and was the liaison between them and the government on the SR71 Spy plane. Bob was instrumental at working with Kodak scientists to develop the film used on the SR71. He had Top Secret status throughout his work on that project.
I met Bob 38 years ago when racing my Porsche and doing engine development with Farmer Automotive in Greenfield IN. Bob always owned Porsches and hung out at the shop on days off. He also was an avid Corvette owner and very active in the club. We became good friends and he would always hang out with us at the track. He was one of the first track club members at Putnam Park Road Course in Indiana and spent many days running laps with one of his cars. Being around cars and running laps at the track was his passion. He also loved cruising with the Corvette club.
Bob developed cancer over 18 years ago and for the past 16 years was regularly involved with clinical trials. He lived a full and happy life with cancer right up until this year when clinical trials ran out. I believe the reason Bob outlived clinical trial treatment was due to his positive attitude about everything. I have never met a more positive individual and know that was his survival secret.