A Superformance Cobra can hold a lot more than you think... parts, tools, tops, windows, tonneau, shoes & clothes for a 2 week road trip!  -photo by: Randall Thomas

Members of
the Lincoln Highway

The Superformance Cobra Owners Forum© (SCOF) is not affiliated with Superformance® or it dealers in anyway, shape or form. Superformance and Mark-III are registered trademark of Superformance International. Photos and text provided from publicly distributed information abroad. AC is the registered trademark of AC Cars of England. Cobra, the Cobra Emblem and the Cobra snake design are the registered trademarks of Ford Motor Company. 427 S/C, Shelby, and the Shelby Cobra are the registered trademarks of Carroll Shelby and Shelby American, and is not associated with this site in any way.
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